
General guidelines

  • ISA membership is mandatory for any type of participation in ISACON KARNATAKA 2024 including award paper, Free platform Paper/ e paper Presentation, Poster Presentation etc. ISA number should be quoted before submitting the abstract.
    Note: It will take minimum 3 days to get membership after applying online. So apply well in advance if you want to get concession in Registration fee and also wish to participate in any of the above
  • Registration for ISACON KARNATAKA 2024 is a prerequisite for any presentation.
  • Eligibility
    (i) All valid members of ISA, of all age groups can participate.
    (ii) Only one abstract is allowed per delegate
    (iii) The abstract must be original and should not be published or presented elsewhere earlier.
  • There are 3 modes of presentation: Oral Free Paper, Oral E-Poster. Please indicate whether the abstracts submitted shall be for oral or e-poster presentation.
  • All the abstracts will be peer reviewed and the final decision to allocate an abstract to any type of presentation rests with the Scientific Committee.
  • Papers are categorized into 3 groups based on designation of main presenter into:
    (i) Post graduates.
    (ii) Teaching faculty (Senior residents/ Asst Prof/ Assoc Prof/ Prof)
    (iii) Consultants/ Private practitioners.
    Please indicate the designation during submission of abstract.
  • Notifications regarding submission will be sent to corresponding author immediately after submission.
  • However, acceptance will be notified only after peer review and revision, within 3 weeks of submission. Rights of acceptance/ rejection rests with the scientific committee and it is final.

  • The authors can modify their abstract till last date and beyond this, no modifications in abstract will be allowed.
  • The authors may opt to apply for various award sessions if interested, but final decision rests with organizing committee regarding final selection based on peer review.
  • A maximum 4 AUTHORS ONLY is allowed for each abstract (including the presenting author) and if there are more than 4 authors, ONLY THE NAMES OF FIRST 4 AUTHORS WILL BE PUBLISHED and remaining names will be AUTOMATICALLY ELIMINATED
  • Abstracts to be submitted online at www.isaconkarnataka2024.com
  • All submissions are online through website only, submission of offline soft copy/ submission by mail or hard copy submissions are not accepted under any circumstance.
  • Presentation of paper/ e-poster is by the first author only. 2nd or 3rd author will be allowed to present only under extra ordinary circumstances, with prior permission of the organizing scientific committee.
  • The presenting author’s name must be highlighted and the presenting author’s full name, institution, address for communication, phone number and email address must be provided. Email address is mandatory as all further communications will be done via email.
  • Abstracts stating "data will be discussed in presentation" will NOT be accepted.
  • Abstracts may be published in the official publication of ISA Karnataka (Karnataka Anaesthesia Journal) and a copy of the Declaration of consent for publication should be signed and sent with the abstract.
  • The presenting author is required to ensure that all co authors are aware of the contents of the abstract before submission.

Guidelines for writing an abstract:(this should come under abstract/ instructions/ platform presentation/ E-poster presentation)

  • Abstract must be in English.
  • Abstract text to be limited to 250 words excluding references and tables.
  • The text should be typed in Times new roman font & the size should be 11.
  • Abstract for original studies should contain the following headings: (for paper/ e-poster)
    (i) Title (to be entered in the first box)
    (ii) Names of authors (to be entered in subsequent boxes)
    (iii) Keywords
    (iv) Introduction
    (v) Methods
    (vi) Results
    (vii) Conclusion
    (viii) ONE Table/ figure (most relevant)
    (ix) References (2 most relevant references)
  • Abstract for case report should contain the following headings: (for e-poster only) : (this should come under abstract / instructions/ e-poster abstract)
    (i) Title
    (ii) Names of authors
    (iii) Keywords
    (iv) Introduction
    (v) Case report
    (vi) Conclusion
    (vii) ONE figure/ table (most relevant)
    (viii) References (2 most relevant references)

  • Abstract title to be relevant, complete and representative of the study, preferably limited to less than 20 words in BOLD UPPER CASE.
  • Authors: maximum of 4 authors(including presenting author) are allowed. Name of presenting author to be highlighted.
  • Keywords: 3 – 5 words preferably from MeSH dictionary.
  • Introduction - Indicate the purpose and objective of the research.
  • Methods – should contain ethical clearance, study design, study population, sample size details, inclusion & exclusion, study methodology (protocol), primary and secondary outcome parameters, statistics used. DO NOT MENTION HOSPITAL/ INSTITUTION/ AUTHOR/ GUIDE name anywhere in abstract text except in author list (to facilitate blinded peer review)
  • Results – demographics followed by clear depiction of the primary and secondary outcome measures and safety issues (side effects) if any. ONE MOST RELEVANT TABLE / FIGURE MAY BE USED TO REPRESENT the outcome measures, but matter in table/ figure should not be repeated in text of results.
  • For case report abstracts, the “case reports” section should contain details of patient consent, problems with the patient, strategy used for management.
  • Conclusion – Should be precise and focused on primary aim of the study only. DO NOT MENTION LIMITATIONS/ FUTURE SCOPE HERE.
  • References: maximum of 2 MOST RELEVANT REFERENCES ONLY can be included here.

Guidelines for Platform Presentation:

  • Stipulated time for paper presentation is 6 min + 2 min (discussion) for free papers and e papers, 7 min + 2 min(discussion) for award category papers.
  • Title slide should contain ISA logo apart from their institutional logo (preferably at right upper corner), the title and the names of all authors mentioned in abstract.
  • Presentation must include the major headings – Introduction, Methods, Statisitcal analysis, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and references.
  • Introduction – mention of problem at hand, need for study, aims and objectives is desirable.
  • Methods – may consist of type and design of study, study location and population, ethics clearance, clinical trial registration number if any, inclusion and exclusion criteria, blinding, randomization, sample size estimation, methodology proper with parameters studied and statistical details..

  • Results – details of demographics, primary and secondary outcome measures, safety profile details, with use of suitable illustrations.
  • Discussion – may contain inferences from results (not repitition of values), confounding variables, comparison with previous literature, limitations and future scope.
  • Conlcusion – to be precise and focussed on primary aim of the study. (DO NOT MENTION LIMITATIONS, FUTURE SCOPE IN OR AFTER CONCLUSION SLIDE)
  • References: only pertinent references to be added.

Guidelines for E-Poster Preparation and Presentation:

  • Stipulated time for e poster presentation is 4 min + 1 min (discussion).
  • Single slide 16:9 ratio.
  • The format upon which the poster has to be prepared is given below:

For all scientific related queries please contact

Dr. Ramachandraiah R

+91 98453 77358
Dr. Bhaskar

+91 99020 16020
Dr. Ashwini A

+91 98804 90917

For Abstract and Traniee Talent related queries please contact

Dr. Bhaskar

+91 99020 16020